Age Effect
The Impact of Education on Consumer’s Welfare for Iranian Households: Pseudo-panel Approach [Volume 20, Issue 63, 2015, Pages 89-120]
Aggregate Shock
Evaluation of Price Setting Models at Retail Level: Bayesian Dynamic Factor Model Approach [Volume 20, Issue 65, 2015, Pages 129-157]
The Effects of Tax Policies on Financial Markets Development [Volume 20, Issue 65, 2015, Pages 37-61]
Artificial Neural Network
An Empirical Investigation of the Exchange Rate Fluctuations and Pass-Through to Iran's Pistachio Export Prices [Volume 20, Issue 65, 2015, Pages 159-184]
Bai-Perron Test
Long Memory and Structural Breaks: An Application to the Tehran Stock Exchange Index (TEPIX) Returns [Volume 20, Issue 63, 2015, Pages 145-185]
Banking Pattern
Estimation of a Multivariate Stochastic System by Data Mining Methods: A Case Study of Required Cash in Tejarat Bank [Volume 20, Issue 64, 2015, Pages 27-54]
Bayesian Dynamic Factor Model
Evaluation of Price Setting Models at Retail Level: Bayesian Dynamic Factor Model Approach [Volume 20, Issue 65, 2015, Pages 129-157]
Bayesian Econometric
Bayesian Estimation of a Hedonic Price Function for the Uptown of Tehran [Volume 20, Issue 62, 2015, Pages 31-56]
Bayesian Hedonics
Bayesian Estimation of a Hedonic Price Function for the Uptown of Tehran [Volume 20, Issue 62, 2015, Pages 31-56]
Black-Scholes Setting
Asian Option Pricing Based on the Standardized Logarithm of Geometric Average [Volume 20, Issue 63, 2015, Pages 71-88]
Bound Test
The Effects of Tax Policies on Financial Markets Development [Volume 20, Issue 65, 2015, Pages 37-61]
BVAR models
Performance of Alternative BVAR Models for Forecasting Iranian Macroeconomic Variables: An Application of Gibbs Sampling [Volume 20, Issue 62, 2015, Pages 57-79]
Estimation of a Multivariate Stochastic System by Data Mining Methods: A Case Study of Required Cash in Tejarat Bank [Volume 20, Issue 64, 2015, Pages 27-54]
Cohort Effect
The Impact of Education on Consumer’s Welfare for Iranian Households: Pseudo-panel Approach [Volume 20, Issue 63, 2015, Pages 89-120]
Data mining
Estimation of a Multivariate Stochastic System by Data Mining Methods: A Case Study of Required Cash in Tejarat Bank [Volume 20, Issue 64, 2015, Pages 27-54]
Data Rating
The Effects of Doing Business on Foreign Direct Investment in Iran and Selected Countries [Volume 20, Issue 62, 2015, Pages 1-30]
Doing Business
The Effects of Doing Business on Foreign Direct Investment in Iran and Selected Countries [Volume 20, Issue 62, 2015, Pages 1-30]
Doing House Price
Bayesian Estimation of a Hedonic Price Function for the Uptown of Tehran [Volume 20, Issue 62, 2015, Pages 31-56]
Dynamic Panel Data model
The Effects of Doing Business on Foreign Direct Investment in Iran and Selected Countries [Volume 20, Issue 62, 2015, Pages 1-30]
Economic Growth
Financial Development and Economic Growth [Volume 20, Issue 62, 2015, Pages 139-162]
Economic Growth
The Impact of Economic Sanctions on Gross Domestic Product and Social Welfare for Iran: Generalized Stochastic Growth Model [Volume 20, Issue 63, 2015, Pages 37-69]
Economic Growth
The Impact of Human Capital on Economic Growth in Iran: A Nonlinear Approach [Volume 20, Issue 63, 2015, Pages 121-144]
Economic index of riskiness
The Application of Aumann-Serrano Index of Riskiness in Portfolio Optimization: A Case Study of Tehran Stock Exchange [Volume 20, Issue 64, 2015, Pages 117-150]
The Impact of Education on Consumer’s Welfare for Iranian Households: Pseudo-panel Approach [Volume 20, Issue 63, 2015, Pages 89-120]
Energy Intensity
Non-linear Relationship between Income and Energy Intensity in Selected Countries of MENA Region with an Emphasis on the Role of Financial Development and Openness [Volume 20, Issue 64, 2015, Pages 1-26]
Estimation of a Multivariate Stochastic System by Data Mining Methods: A Case Study of Required Cash in Tejarat Bank [Volume 20, Issue 64, 2015, Pages 27-54]
Exchange Rate
The Role of Expectations in Exchange Rate Fluctuations [Volume 20, Issue 64, 2015, Pages 89-115]
Exchange Rate Pass-Through
Analyzing the Effect of Exchange Rate Pass- Through on Inflation in Iran (1991-2012) [Volume 20, Issue 63, 2015, Pages 1-36]
Exchange Rate Pass-Through
An Empirical Investigation of the Exchange Rate Fluctuations and Pass-Through to Iran's Pistachio Export Prices [Volume 20, Issue 65, 2015, Pages 159-184]
Exercise Price
Asian Option Pricing Based on the Standardized Logarithm of Geometric Average [Volume 20, Issue 63, 2015, Pages 71-88]
Explanation of Family Instability Based on the Utility Theory [Volume 20, Issue 62, 2015, Pages 109-138]
Export Prices
An Empirical Investigation of the Exchange Rate Fluctuations and Pass-Through to Iran's Pistachio Export Prices [Volume 20, Issue 65, 2015, Pages 159-184]
Extrapolative expectations
The Role of Expectations in Exchange Rate Fluctuations [Volume 20, Issue 64, 2015, Pages 89-115]
Financial Development
Financial Development and Economic Growth [Volume 20, Issue 62, 2015, Pages 139-162]
Financial Development
Non-linear Relationship between Income and Energy Intensity in Selected Countries of MENA Region with an Emphasis on the Role of Financial Development and Openness [Volume 20, Issue 64, 2015, Pages 1-26]
Financial Market
The Effects of Tax Policies on Financial Markets Development [Volume 20, Issue 65, 2015, Pages 37-61]
Financial Structure
Financial Development and Economic Growth [Volume 20, Issue 62, 2015, Pages 139-162]
Financial Uncertainty
The Impact of Financial Uncertainty on Monetary Policy, Inflation and Output in Iran: A Markov Jump-Linear-Quadratic (MJLQ) Approach [Volume 20, Issue 65, 2015, Pages 1-36]
Fixed effects
The Impact of Factors Affecting the Health Expenditures in the Provinces of Iran: Panel Data Approach [Volume 20, Issue 64, 2015, Pages 177-207]
FMOLS Method
Financial Development and Economic Growth [Volume 20, Issue 62, 2015, Pages 139-162]
Forecast Accuracy
A Comparison of the Performances of the Direct and Iterated Methods in Real Time Forecasting of Inflation in Iran [Volume 20, Issue 64, 2015, Pages 55-87]
Foreign Direct Investment
The Effects of Doing Business on Foreign Direct Investment in Iran and Selected Countries [Volume 20, Issue 62, 2015, Pages 1-30]
Fundamentalist- chartist approach
The Role of Expectations in Exchange Rate Fluctuations [Volume 20, Issue 64, 2015, Pages 89-115]
Fuzzy Logic
Equitable Tax Effort for the Provinces of Iran: Fuzzy Logic Approach [Volume 20, Issue 64, 2015, Pages 151-176]
Fuzzy logic Control
Equitable Tax Effort for the Provinces of Iran: Fuzzy Logic Approach [Volume 20, Issue 64, 2015, Pages 151-176]
Generalized Growth Model
The Impact of Economic Sanctions on Gross Domestic Product and Social Welfare for Iran: Generalized Stochastic Growth Model [Volume 20, Issue 63, 2015, Pages 37-69]
Genetic Algorithms
The Impact of Economic Sanctions on Gross Domestic Product and Social Welfare for Iran: Generalized Stochastic Growth Model [Volume 20, Issue 63, 2015, Pages 37-69]
Gibbs Sampling
Performance of Alternative BVAR Models for Forecasting Iranian Macroeconomic Variables: An Application of Gibbs Sampling [Volume 20, Issue 62, 2015, Pages 57-79]
The Impact of Factors Affecting the Health Expenditures in the Provinces of Iran: Panel Data Approach [Volume 20, Issue 64, 2015, Pages 177-207]
The Impact of Factors Affecting the Health Expenditures in the Provinces of Iran: Panel Data Approach [Volume 20, Issue 64, 2015, Pages 177-207]
Human Capital
The Impact of Human Capital on Economic Growth in Iran: A Nonlinear Approach [Volume 20, Issue 63, 2015, Pages 121-144]
Idiosyncratic Shock
Evaluation of Price Setting Models at Retail Level: Bayesian Dynamic Factor Model Approach [Volume 20, Issue 65, 2015, Pages 129-157]
Dynamic Causality between Consumer Price and Producer Price in Iran: An Application of Continuous Wavelet Transformation [Volume 20, Issue 62, 2015, Pages 81-107]
Analyzing the Effect of Exchange Rate Pass- Through on Inflation in Iran (1991-2012) [Volume 20, Issue 63, 2015, Pages 1-36]
Inflation rate
A Comparison of the Performances of the Direct and Iterated Methods in Real Time Forecasting of Inflation in Iran [Volume 20, Issue 64, 2015, Pages 55-87]
Performance of Alternative BVAR Models for Forecasting Iranian Macroeconomic Variables: An Application of Gibbs Sampling [Volume 20, Issue 62, 2015, Pages 57-79]
An Empirical Investigation of the Exchange Rate Fluctuations and Pass-Through to Iran's Pistachio Export Prices [Volume 20, Issue 65, 2015, Pages 159-184]
Iranian Economy
Analyzing the Effect of Exchange Rate Pass- Through on Inflation in Iran (1991-2012) [Volume 20, Issue 63, 2015, Pages 1-36]
Markov Jump-Linear-Quadratic Model
The Impact of Financial Uncertainty on Monetary Policy, Inflation and Output in Iran: A Markov Jump-Linear-Quadratic (MJLQ) Approach [Volume 20, Issue 65, 2015, Pages 1-36]
Minnoseta Prior
Performance of Alternative BVAR Models for Forecasting Iranian Macroeconomic Variables: An Application of Gibbs Sampling [Volume 20, Issue 62, 2015, Pages 57-79]
Multi-period Forecasting
A Comparison of the Performances of the Direct and Iterated Methods in Real Time Forecasting of Inflation in Iran [Volume 20, Issue 64, 2015, Pages 55-87]
Neural Network
Estimation of a Multivariate Stochastic System by Data Mining Methods: A Case Study of Required Cash in Tejarat Bank [Volume 20, Issue 64, 2015, Pages 27-54]
Nonlinear Method
The Impact of Human Capital on Economic Growth in Iran: A Nonlinear Approach [Volume 20, Issue 63, 2015, Pages 121-144]
Normal Wishard Prior
Performance of Alternative BVAR Models for Forecasting Iranian Macroeconomic Variables: An Application of Gibbs Sampling [Volume 20, Issue 62, 2015, Pages 57-79]
Non-linear Relationship between Income and Energy Intensity in Selected Countries of MENA Region with an Emphasis on the Role of Financial Development and Openness [Volume 20, Issue 64, 2015, Pages 1-26]
The Impact of Financial Uncertainty on Monetary Policy, Inflation and Output in Iran: A Markov Jump-Linear-Quadratic (MJLQ) Approach [Volume 20, Issue 65, 2015, Pages 1-36]
Asian Option Pricing Based on the Standardized Logarithm of Geometric Average [Volume 20, Issue 63, 2015, Pages 71-88]
An Empirical Investigation of the Exchange Rate Fluctuations and Pass-Through to Iran's Pistachio Export Prices [Volume 20, Issue 65, 2015, Pages 159-184]
Portfolio Management
The Application of Aumann-Serrano Index of Riskiness in Portfolio Optimization: A Case Study of Tehran Stock Exchange [Volume 20, Issue 64, 2015, Pages 117-150]
Price Indices
Analyzing the Effect of Exchange Rate Pass- Through on Inflation in Iran (1991-2012) [Volume 20, Issue 63, 2015, Pages 1-36]
Price Setting Models
Evaluation of Price Setting Models at Retail Level: Bayesian Dynamic Factor Model Approach [Volume 20, Issue 65, 2015, Pages 129-157]
Producer price index
Dynamic Causality between Consumer Price and Producer Price in Iran: An Application of Continuous Wavelet Transformation [Volume 20, Issue 62, 2015, Pages 81-107]
Pseudo-panel Approach
The Impact of Education on Consumer’s Welfare for Iranian Households: Pseudo-panel Approach [Volume 20, Issue 63, 2015, Pages 89-120]
PSTR Model
Non-linear Relationship between Income and Energy Intensity in Selected Countries of MENA Region with an Emphasis on the Role of Financial Development and Openness [Volume 20, Issue 64, 2015, Pages 1-26]
Real Time Forecasting
A Comparison of the Performances of the Direct and Iterated Methods in Real Time Forecasting of Inflation in Iran [Volume 20, Issue 64, 2015, Pages 55-87]
The Impact of Economic Sanctions on Gross Domestic Product and Social Welfare for Iran: Generalized Stochastic Growth Model [Volume 20, Issue 63, 2015, Pages 37-69]
SHBJ Function
The Impact of Economic Sanctions on Gross Domestic Product and Social Welfare for Iran: Generalized Stochastic Growth Model [Volume 20, Issue 63, 2015, Pages 37-69]
Speed of Response
Evaluation of Price Setting Models at Retail Level: Bayesian Dynamic Factor Model Approach [Volume 20, Issue 65, 2015, Pages 129-157]
Spurious Long Memory
Long Memory and Structural Breaks: An Application to the Tehran Stock Exchange Index (TEPIX) Returns [Volume 20, Issue 63, 2015, Pages 145-185]
Stochastic Processes
The Impact of Economic Sanctions on Gross Domestic Product and Social Welfare for Iran: Generalized Stochastic Growth Model [Volume 20, Issue 63, 2015, Pages 37-69]
Structural Breaks
Long Memory and Structural Breaks: An Application to the Tehran Stock Exchange Index (TEPIX) Returns [Volume 20, Issue 63, 2015, Pages 145-185]
Structural Vector Auto- Regressive (SVAR)
Analyzing the Effect of Exchange Rate Pass- Through on Inflation in Iran (1991-2012) [Volume 20, Issue 63, 2015, Pages 1-36]
Equitable Tax Effort for the Provinces of Iran: Fuzzy Logic Approach [Volume 20, Issue 64, 2015, Pages 151-176]
The Effects of Tax Policies on Financial Markets Development [Volume 20, Issue 65, 2015, Pages 37-61]
Tax Capacity
Equitable Tax Effort for the Provinces of Iran: Fuzzy Logic Approach [Volume 20, Issue 64, 2015, Pages 151-176]
Tax Effort
Equitable Tax Effort for the Provinces of Iran: Fuzzy Logic Approach [Volume 20, Issue 64, 2015, Pages 151-176]
Tax Justice
Equitable Tax Effort for the Provinces of Iran: Fuzzy Logic Approach [Volume 20, Issue 64, 2015, Pages 151-176]
Tehran Stock Exchange
The Application of Aumann-Serrano Index of Riskiness in Portfolio Optimization: A Case Study of Tehran Stock Exchange [Volume 20, Issue 64, 2015, Pages 117-150]
Time Effect
The Impact of Education on Consumer’s Welfare for Iranian Households: Pseudo-panel Approach [Volume 20, Issue 63, 2015, Pages 89-120]
Explanation of Family Instability Based on the Utility Theory [Volume 20, Issue 62, 2015, Pages 109-138]
Explanation of Family Instability Based on the Utility Theory [Volume 20, Issue 62, 2015, Pages 109-138]
Wavelet approach
Dynamic Causality between Consumer Price and Producer Price in Iran: An Application of Continuous Wavelet Transformation [Volume 20, Issue 62, 2015, Pages 81-107]