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Volume 1 (1995)
An Estimation of Social Discount Rate Based on Hazard Rate for Iran and Selected countries

Ghahraman Abdoli; Hassan Heydari

Volume 13, Issue 38 , April 2009, Pages 1-29

  Social discount rate is an important variable for the Cost-Benefit analysis. Commonly used discount factor in applied works is exponential discount factor. However, exponential factor has some problems: 1- Determining factors of discount rate and their impacts are varying in time. 2- Empirical and experimental ...  Read More

Analyzing the Effects of Macroeconomic Shocks on Income Distribution in Iran

Mohammad Noferesti; Fardin Mohammadi

Volume 13, Issue 38 , April 2009, Pages 31-52

  This paper analyzes a macro-micro linkage using a vector autoregressive model (VAR) for Iran comprising following variables: Gross Domestic Product(GDP), Inflation, Exchange Rate, Oil Revenue, Government Expenditure, Money Supply, and a Micro-simulation model of household budget. The procedure is a top-down, ...  Read More

The Effects of Globalization on Inflation in Iran

Ali Taiebni; Rezvan Zandyeh

Volume 13, Issue 38 , April 2009, Pages 53-96

    Some studies show that in recent years, despite of increase in commodity prices such as oil and steel and conducting loose monetary policy in most countries, global price levels have low and stable rates of growth and inflation rates are well below the forecasts in Iran, in spite of adopting ...  Read More

The Impact of Competitiveness on Economic Growth By Endogenous Growth Model

Jamshid Pazhoyan; Marjan Faghih nasiri

Volume 13, Issue 38 , April 2009, Pages 97-132

  The economic growth rate is an important issue which concerns most of the economic intellectuals, because the economic Growth rate is one of the most important factors which have effect on the human Social welfare. But in spite of the importance of economic growth rate, determining different  factors ...  Read More

Estimation of Social Cost of Monopoly in Insurance Industry:A Case Study of Iran

Mohammadnabi Shahekitash; Nasim Fiyozi Ekhtiyari

Volume 13, Issue 38 , April 2009, Pages 133-155

  "Competition" and "monopoly" are two important issues in market structure analysis. Theoretically, monopoly structure in an industry results in distorted resource allocation, bringing about economic rents. The outcome of such market structure is the burden of social costs imposed on the users. This study ...  Read More

Determinants of Net Entry and Exit in Iran’s Manufacturing Industries

Mohammad Bagher Beheshty; Naser Senobar; Hassan Farzane Kojabab

Volume 13, Issue 38 , April 2009, Pages 157-179

  This study analyse the determinants of entry and exit of Iran’s manufacturing industries defined at 4-digit ISIC level for the period 1995-2003. It employs a structure-conduct- performance model as well as macroeconomic factors to explain determinant factors of net entry. The research uses a panel ...  Read More

Theoretical and Empirical Analysis of Regional Advantages Theories and Modeling for Advantage Determination of Different Sector in Regions

Hojjatullah Abdolmaleki; Nematullah Akbari; Kiomars Aghaei

Volume 13, Issue 38 , April 2009, Pages 181-216

  In empirical microeconomics analysis, the decision making pattern of firms for the site location is very important. Additionally, regarding the lack of information in real economic situation and because of the shortage in resources, analysis of advantageous level of different regions subject to different ...  Read More

Pricing of Urban Drinking Water Using Ramsey Model: A Case Study of Neyshabour

Mohammad Ali Falahi; Hossein Ansari; Kamran Davari; Narges Salehnia

Volume 13, Issue 38 , April 2009, Pages 217-242

  Water is a necessary and scarce good that requires new strategies for allocation and optimal use. we. Water pricing and levying suitable tariffs subject to social welfare maximization are the economic solution to this problem. In this study, we have considered available tariffs in domestic water sector ...  Read More

Industrial Concentration in the Iranian Food Products and Beverages Industries

Ahmad Sadraei Javaheri

Volume 13, Issue 38 , April 2009, Pages 243-256

  The paper examines industrial concentration in Iranian food products and beverages industries using firm level data aggregated to the 4-digit ISIC industry level between 2002 and 2004. Based on different concentration indices the average level of concentration has increased slightly for the period of ...  Read More