Absolute Poverty
Poverty Distribution Among Iranian Households (1992-2000) [Volume 7, Issue 22, 2005, Pages 31-42]
Afriat Index
Non-parametric Test of Revealed Preference for Rational Behavior of Consumers: Urban Households [Volume 7, Issue 24, 2005, Pages 197-211]
Afriat Theory
Non-parametric Test of Revealed Preference for Rational Behavior of Consumers: Urban Households [Volume 7, Issue 24, 2005, Pages 197-211]
Agricultural Sector
An Investigation of the Impact of Macroeconomic Variables on Food Price Index in Iran (1959-2000), An Auto-regressive Distributed Lag Approach [Volume 7, Issue 23, 2005, Pages 221-235]
Oil Export Instability and Economic Growth in Iran [Volume 7, Issue 24, 2005, Pages 77-94]
Autoregressive Distributed Lag (ARDL)
Price Elasticity of Gasoline Demand in Iran Transportation Sector and its Forecast to 2015 [Volume 7, Issue 25, 2005, Pages 23-46]
Autoregressive Distributed Lag (ARDL)
An Investigation of the Impact of Macroeconomic Variables on Food Price Index in Iran (1959-2000), An Auto-regressive Distributed Lag Approach [Volume 7, Issue 23, 2005, Pages 221-235]
Average and Marginal Productivity
The Analysis and Comprison of Productivity of Different Small and Large Scale Industrial Groups in Iran [Volume 7, Issue 22, 2005, Pages 157-176]
Average Years of Schooling
Measuring Educational Attainment of
Iranian Human Capital [Volume 7, Issue 23, 2005, Pages 193-219]
Chaotic Process in The Tehran Stock Price Index [Volume 7, Issue 25, 2005, Pages 47-64]
Biological Rate of Interest
The Economics of Social Security in Iran:
A Case Study of Insurance Income [Volume 7, Issue 25, 2005, Pages 65-82]
Capital Stock
Estimating and Analyzing the Labour Productivity in Khuzestan's Industry Sector [Volume 7, Issue 24, 2005, Pages 33-52]
Chaotic Process in The Tehran Stock Price Index [Volume 7, Issue 25, 2005, Pages 47-64]
Cobb-Douglas Production Function
The Analysis and Comprison of Productivity of Different Small and Large Scale Industrial Groups in Iran [Volume 7, Issue 22, 2005, Pages 157-176]
Oil Export Instability and Economic Growth in Iran [Volume 7, Issue 24, 2005, Pages 77-94]
Computable General Equilibrium
The Effect of Subsidy Reduction in Agriculture Sector and the Changes in Labor Tax on Sectoral Production and the Revenues of Urban and Rural Households in Iran [Volume 7, Issue 22, 2005, Pages 1-30]
Credit Rationing
Key Words: Labour Productivity, Potential Product, Capital Stock, Khuzestan
The Two-sector Financial Market and its Effects on Investment in Iran Economy [Volume 7, Issue 24, 2005, Pages 53-76]
Data Envelopment Analysis
Evaluation of Efficiency of Sugar Industry in Iran; Data Envelopment Analysis [Volume 7, Issue 22, 2005, Pages 69-90]
Delphi Method
Factors Influencing Financial Repression and Sequence of Their Effects in the Iranian Economy; An application by the Group Decision Making Model [Volume 7, Issue 22, 2005, Pages 91-113]
Demand for energy
An Analysis of Consumption Pattern of Energy Carriers in Iran (1966-2000) [Volume 7, Issue 22, 2005, Pages 115-132]
Demand for Gasoline
Price Elasticity of Gasoline Demand in Iran Transportation Sector and its Forecast to 2015 [Volume 7, Issue 25, 2005, Pages 23-46]
Demand for Labour
The Estimation and Analysis of
Demand for Labour in Khuzestan’s Manufacturing [Volume 7, Issue 25, 2005, Pages 175-190]
Disposable Income
Determinants of Private Sector’s Saving In Iran [Volume 7, Issue 23, 2005, Pages 119-145]
Dynamic Model
Bayesian Analysis of Generalized Dynamic linear Models and its Application in Iranian Unemployment Problem [Volume 7, Issue 23, 2005, Pages 165-192]
Econometrics Models
Key Words: Labour Productivity, Potential Product, Capital Stock, Khuzestan
The Two-sector Financial Market and its Effects on Investment in Iran Economy [Volume 7, Issue 24, 2005, Pages 53-76]
Economic Growth
Oil Export Instability and Economic Growth in Iran [Volume 7, Issue 24, 2005, Pages 77-94]
Economic Growth
An Investigation of Granger – Causal Relationship between Energy Consumption & Economic Growth in Iran (1967-2002) [Volume 7, Issue 24, 2005, Pages 117-143]
Economic Growth
A Study of Foreign Direct Investment Effects on Economic Growth in Oil Exporting Countries [Volume 7, Issue 23, 2005, Pages 147-163]
Economic Integration
Economic Integration in Persian Gulf Countries;
A Spatial Econometrics Approach [Volume 7, Issue 25, 2005, Pages 109-126]
Economic Openness
A Study of Foreign Direct Investment Effects on Economic Growth in Oil Exporting Countries [Volume 7, Issue 23, 2005, Pages 147-163]
Educational Attainment
Measuring Educational Attainment of
Iranian Human Capital [Volume 7, Issue 23, 2005, Pages 193-219]
Education System
Estimation of the Human Capital of Iran
Based on the Average Years of Education of the Labor Force [Volume 7, Issue 25, 2005, Pages 1-22]
Evaluation of Efficiency of Sugar Industry in Iran; Data Envelopment Analysis [Volume 7, Issue 22, 2005, Pages 69-90]
Elasticity Forecast
Price Elasticity of Gasoline Demand in Iran Transportation Sector and its Forecast to 2015 [Volume 7, Issue 25, 2005, Pages 23-46]
An Analysis of the Investment Expenditures Contribution to Job Creation in Manufacturing Subsectors in Iran
(With Emphasis on Large Manufacturing Establishments) [Volume 7, Issue 24, 2005, Pages 1-31]
Energy Carriers
An Analysis of Consumption Pattern of Energy Carriers in Iran (1966-2000) [Volume 7, Issue 22, 2005, Pages 115-132]
Energy Consumption
An Investigation of Granger – Causal Relationship between Energy Consumption & Economic Growth in Iran (1967-2002) [Volume 7, Issue 24, 2005, Pages 117-143]
Energy Consumption in Iran
An Analysis of Consumption Pattern of Energy Carriers in Iran (1966-2000) [Volume 7, Issue 22, 2005, Pages 115-132]
Exchange Rate
Determinants of Seasonal Output Gap in Iran [Volume 7, Issue 22, 2005, Pages 43-68]
The Selection of Appropriate Foreign Exchange Rate Regime for Iranian Economy with
Regards to Oil Shocks. [Volume 7, Issue 23, 2005, Pages 1-37]
Oil Export Instability and Economic Growth in Iran [Volume 7, Issue 24, 2005, Pages 77-94]
Financial Market
Determinants of Private Sector’s Saving In Iran [Volume 7, Issue 23, 2005, Pages 119-145]
Financial Repression
Factors Influencing Financial Repression and Sequence of Their Effects in the Iranian Economy; An application by the Group Decision Making Model [Volume 7, Issue 22, 2005, Pages 91-113]
Food Price Index
An Investigation of the Impact of Macroeconomic Variables on Food Price Index in Iran (1959-2000), An Auto-regressive Distributed Lag Approach [Volume 7, Issue 23, 2005, Pages 221-235]
Foreign Direct Investment
A Study of Foreign Direct Investment Effects on Economic Growth in Oil Exporting Countries [Volume 7, Issue 23, 2005, Pages 147-163]
Foreign Exchange and Trade Policies
An Investigation of the Impact of Macroeconomic Variables on Food Price Index in Iran (1959-2000), An Auto-regressive Distributed Lag Approach [Volume 7, Issue 23, 2005, Pages 221-235]
The Effect of Subsidy Reduction in Agriculture Sector and the Changes in Labor Tax on Sectoral Production and the Revenues of Urban and Rural Households in Iran [Volume 7, Issue 22, 2005, Pages 1-30]
Non-parametric Test of Revealed Preference for Rational Behavior of Consumers: Urban Households [Volume 7, Issue 24, 2005, Pages 197-211]
Determinants of Seasonal Output Gap in Iran [Volume 7, Issue 22, 2005, Pages 43-68]
Generalized Inverse
Bayesian Analysis of Generalized Dynamic linear Models and its Application in Iranian Unemployment Problem [Volume 7, Issue 23, 2005, Pages 165-192]
Gini Coefficient
Determinants of Private Sector’s Saving In Iran [Volume 7, Issue 23, 2005, Pages 119-145]
G-L Index
Trade Potentials in Iran throughout Measuring Intra Industry Trade (IIT) [Volume 7, Issue 24, 2005, Pages 145-169]
The Effects of Trade Liberalization on Import Demand: A Panel Data Study [Volume 7, Issue 25, 2005, Pages 127-152]
Government deficit
Effect of Fiscal Policy on Private Investment in Iran [Volume 7, Issue 22, 2005, Pages 133-155]
Government Expenditures
Effect of Fiscal Policy on Private Investment in Iran [Volume 7, Issue 22, 2005, Pages 133-155]
Government Spending
Effects of Government Expenditure on
Poverty Reduction in Rural Areas of Iran [Volume 7, Issue 25, 2005, Pages 153-174]
Gravity Model
Economic Integration in Persian Gulf Countries;
A Spatial Econometrics Approach [Volume 7, Issue 25, 2005, Pages 109-126]
Gross Product
Determinants of Seasonal Output Gap in Iran [Volume 7, Issue 22, 2005, Pages 43-68]
Group Decision
Factors Influencing Financial Repression and Sequence of Their Effects in the Iranian Economy; An application by the Group Decision Making Model [Volume 7, Issue 22, 2005, Pages 91-113]
Growth Liquidity
Determinants of Seasonal Output Gap in Iran [Volume 7, Issue 22, 2005, Pages 43-68]
Household's Expenditure
Poverty Distribution Among Iranian Households (1992-2000) [Volume 7, Issue 22, 2005, Pages 31-42]
Human Capital
Estimation of the Human Capital of Iran
Based on the Average Years of Education of the Labor Force [Volume 7, Issue 25, 2005, Pages 1-22]
Human Capital
A Study of Foreign Direct Investment Effects on Economic Growth in Oil Exporting Countries [Volume 7, Issue 23, 2005, Pages 147-163]
Human Capital
Measuring Educational Attainment of
Iranian Human Capital [Volume 7, Issue 23, 2005, Pages 193-219]
IIT Index
Trade Potentials in Iran throughout Measuring Intra Industry Trade (IIT) [Volume 7, Issue 24, 2005, Pages 145-169]
The Effects of Trade Liberalization on Import Demand: A Panel Data Study [Volume 7, Issue 25, 2005, Pages 127-152]
Income Distribution
Determinants of Private Sector’s Saving In Iran [Volume 7, Issue 23, 2005, Pages 119-145]
Income Distribution and Increase in Production Using Social Accounting Matrices [Volume 7, Issue 23, 2005, Pages 95-117]
Determinants of Seasonal Output Gap in Iran [Volume 7, Issue 22, 2005, Pages 43-68]
Inflationary Tax Income
Fiscal Disequilibrium and High Inflation Rate
in Iran [Volume 7, Issue 24, 2005, Pages 95-116]
Information Technology (IT)
The Impact of Information Technology on Production: A Case Study of the Iranian Manufacturing Industry [Volume 7, Issue 25, 2005, Pages 83-107]
Oil Export Instability and Economic Growth in Iran [Volume 7, Issue 24, 2005, Pages 77-94]
Institutional Income Distribution
Income Distribution and Increase in Production Using Social Accounting Matrices [Volume 7, Issue 23, 2005, Pages 95-117]
Intra Industry Trade
Trade Potentials in Iran throughout Measuring Intra Industry Trade (IIT) [Volume 7, Issue 24, 2005, Pages 145-169]
The Impact of Information Technology on Production: A Case Study of the Iranian Manufacturing Industry [Volume 7, Issue 25, 2005, Pages 83-107]
Key Words: Labour Productivity, Potential Product, Capital Stock, Khuzestan
The Two-sector Financial Market and its Effects on Investment in Iran Economy [Volume 7, Issue 24, 2005, Pages 53-76]
An Investigation of Granger – Causal Relationship between Energy Consumption & Economic Growth in Iran (1967-2002) [Volume 7, Issue 24, 2005, Pages 117-143]
Johnsen’s Approach
The Estimation and Analysis of
Demand for Labour in Khuzestan’s Manufacturing [Volume 7, Issue 25, 2005, Pages 175-190]
Kalman Filter
Bayesian Analysis of Generalized Dynamic linear Models and its Application in Iranian Unemployment Problem [Volume 7, Issue 23, 2005, Pages 165-192]
Keynesian Economics
Historical Review of Macroeconomic Theories [Volume 7, Issue 23, 2005, Pages 69-93]
The Estimation and Analysis of
Demand for Labour in Khuzestan’s Manufacturing [Volume 7, Issue 25, 2005, Pages 175-190]
Estimating and Analyzing the Labour Productivity in Khuzestan's Industry Sector [Volume 7, Issue 24, 2005, Pages 33-52]
Labor Demand Function
An Analysis of the Investment Expenditures Contribution to Job Creation in Manufacturing Subsectors in Iran
(With Emphasis on Large Manufacturing Establishments) [Volume 7, Issue 24, 2005, Pages 1-31]
Labor Force
Estimation of the Human Capital of Iran
Based on the Average Years of Education of the Labor Force [Volume 7, Issue 25, 2005, Pages 1-22]
Labour Productivity
Estimating and Analyzing the Labour Productivity in Khuzestan's Industry Sector [Volume 7, Issue 24, 2005, Pages 33-52]
Lafer Curve
The Economics of Social Security in Iran:
A Case Study of Insurance Income [Volume 7, Issue 25, 2005, Pages 65-82]
Lafer Curve
Fiscal Disequilibrium and High Inflation Rate
in Iran [Volume 7, Issue 24, 2005, Pages 95-116]
Large Scale Industries
The Analysis and Comprison of Productivity of Different Small and Large Scale Industrial Groups in Iran [Volume 7, Issue 22, 2005, Pages 157-176]
Life Cycle Cost Analysis
An Economic Evaluation of Photovoltaic Power Plant, Diesel Power Plant, and Connection to the Power Grid for Electricity Utilization in the Central Rural Regions in Iran [Volume 7, Issue 24, 2005, Pages 171-192]
Lyaponov Exponent
Chaotic Process in The Tehran Stock Price Index [Volume 7, Issue 25, 2005, Pages 47-64]
Making Models
Factors Influencing Financial Repression and Sequence of Their Effects in the Iranian Economy; An application by the Group Decision Making Model [Volume 7, Issue 22, 2005, Pages 91-113]
Managed Exchange Rate Regime
The Selection of Appropriate Foreign Exchange Rate Regime for Iranian Economy with
Regards to Oil Shocks. [Volume 7, Issue 23, 2005, Pages 1-37]
The Impact of Information Technology on Production: A Case Study of the Iranian Manufacturing Industry [Volume 7, Issue 25, 2005, Pages 83-107]
The Estimation and Analysis of
Demand for Labour in Khuzestan’s Manufacturing [Volume 7, Issue 25, 2005, Pages 175-190]
An Analysis of the Investment Expenditures Contribution to Job Creation in Manufacturing Subsectors in Iran
(With Emphasis on Large Manufacturing Establishments) [Volume 7, Issue 24, 2005, Pages 1-31]
Mixed Complementarity Problems
The Effect of Subsidy Reduction in Agriculture Sector and the Changes in Labor Tax on Sectoral Production and the Revenues of Urban and Rural Households in Iran [Volume 7, Issue 22, 2005, Pages 1-30]
Monetarist School
Historical Review of Macroeconomic Theories [Volume 7, Issue 23, 2005, Pages 69-93]
An Investigation of the Impact of Macroeconomic Variables on Food Price Index in Iran (1959-2000), An Auto-regressive Distributed Lag Approach [Volume 7, Issue 23, 2005, Pages 221-235]
Money Demand
Fiscal Disequilibrium and High Inflation Rate
in Iran [Volume 7, Issue 24, 2005, Pages 95-116]
Money Multiplier
Fiscal Disequilibrium and High Inflation Rate
in Iran [Volume 7, Issue 24, 2005, Pages 95-116]
Mutiparameters Exponential Distributions
Bayesian Analysis of Generalized Dynamic linear Models and its Application in Iranian Unemployment Problem [Volume 7, Issue 23, 2005, Pages 165-192]
Neoclassical Utility Function
Non-parametric Test of Revealed Preference for Rational Behavior of Consumers: Urban Households [Volume 7, Issue 24, 2005, Pages 197-211]
Neural Networks
Chaotic Process in The Tehran Stock Price Index [Volume 7, Issue 25, 2005, Pages 47-64]
New Classical Economics
Historical Review of Macroeconomic Theories [Volume 7, Issue 23, 2005, Pages 69-93]
New Keynesian Economics
Historical Review of Macroeconomic Theories [Volume 7, Issue 23, 2005, Pages 69-93]
Non- Official Financial Market
Key Words: Labour Productivity, Potential Product, Capital Stock, Khuzestan
The Two-sector Financial Market and its Effects on Investment in Iran Economy [Volume 7, Issue 24, 2005, Pages 53-76]
Non- Organized Financial Market
Key Words: Labour Productivity, Potential Product, Capital Stock, Khuzestan
The Two-sector Financial Market and its Effects on Investment in Iran Economy [Volume 7, Issue 24, 2005, Pages 53-76]
Non-parametric Method
Evaluation of Efficiency of Sugar Industry in Iran; Data Envelopment Analysis [Volume 7, Issue 22, 2005, Pages 69-90]
Oil Export Instability and Economic Growth in Iran [Volume 7, Issue 24, 2005, Pages 77-94]
Oil Shocks
The Selection of Appropriate Foreign Exchange Rate Regime for Iranian Economy with
Regards to Oil Shocks. [Volume 7, Issue 23, 2005, Pages 1-37]
Panel Data
The Impact of Information Technology on Production: A Case Study of the Iranian Manufacturing Industry [Volume 7, Issue 25, 2005, Pages 83-107]
Panel Data
The Effects of Trade Liberalization on Import Demand: A Panel Data Study [Volume 7, Issue 25, 2005, Pages 127-152]
Partial Adjustment
The Economics of Social Security in Iran:
A Case Study of Insurance Income [Volume 7, Issue 25, 2005, Pages 65-82]
Persian Gulf Countries
Economic Integration in Persian Gulf Countries;
A Spatial Econometrics Approach [Volume 7, Issue 25, 2005, Pages 109-126]
Photovoltaic Power Plant
An Economic Evaluation of Photovoltaic Power Plant, Diesel Power Plant, and Connection to the Power Grid for Electricity Utilization in the Central Rural Regions in Iran [Volume 7, Issue 24, 2005, Pages 171-192]
Post-Keynesian Economics
Historical Review of Macroeconomic Theories [Volume 7, Issue 23, 2005, Pages 69-93]
Potential Product
Estimating and Analyzing the Labour Productivity in Khuzestan's Industry Sector [Volume 7, Issue 24, 2005, Pages 33-52]
Potential Product
Determinants of Seasonal Output Gap in Iran [Volume 7, Issue 22, 2005, Pages 43-68]
Poverty Reduction
Effects of Government Expenditure on
Poverty Reduction in Rural Areas of Iran [Volume 7, Issue 25, 2005, Pages 153-174]
Price Elasticity
Price Elasticity of Gasoline Demand in Iran Transportation Sector and its Forecast to 2015 [Volume 7, Issue 25, 2005, Pages 23-46]
Private Saving
Determinants of Private Sector’s Saving In Iran [Volume 7, Issue 23, 2005, Pages 119-145]
Production Function
The Impact of Information Technology on Production: A Case Study of the Iranian Manufacturing Industry [Volume 7, Issue 25, 2005, Pages 83-107]
Public and Private Investment
Effect of Fiscal Policy on Private Investment in Iran [Volume 7, Issue 22, 2005, Pages 133-155]
Real Business Cycle School
Historical Review of Macroeconomic Theories [Volume 7, Issue 23, 2005, Pages 69-93]
Relative Poverty
Poverty Distribution Among Iranian Households (1992-2000) [Volume 7, Issue 22, 2005, Pages 31-42]
Renewable Resources
An Economic Evaluation of Photovoltaic Power Plant, Diesel Power Plant, and Connection to the Power Grid for Electricity Utilization in the Central Rural Regions in Iran [Volume 7, Issue 24, 2005, Pages 171-192]
Reserve of Money
Fiscal Disequilibrium and High Inflation Rate
in Iran [Volume 7, Issue 24, 2005, Pages 95-116]
Fiscal Disequilibrium and High Inflation Rate
in Iran [Volume 7, Issue 24, 2005, Pages 95-116]
Small Scale Industries
The Analysis and Comprison of Productivity of Different Small and Large Scale Industrial Groups in Iran [Volume 7, Issue 22, 2005, Pages 157-176]
Social Accounting Matrix
Income Distribution and Increase in Production Using Social Accounting Matrices [Volume 7, Issue 23, 2005, Pages 95-117]
Social Accounting Matrix
The Effect of Subsidy Reduction in Agriculture Sector and the Changes in Labor Tax on Sectoral Production and the Revenues of Urban and Rural Households in Iran [Volume 7, Issue 22, 2005, Pages 1-30]
Social Security Costs
Determinants of Private Sector’s Saving In Iran [Volume 7, Issue 23, 2005, Pages 119-145]
Social Security Systems
The Economics of Social Security in Iran:
A Case Study of Insurance Income [Volume 7, Issue 25, 2005, Pages 65-82]
Solar Energy
An Economic Evaluation of Photovoltaic Power Plant, Diesel Power Plant, and Connection to the Power Grid for Electricity Utilization in the Central Rural Regions in Iran [Volume 7, Issue 24, 2005, Pages 171-192]
The Concept of Space and its Measurement in Regional Studies [Volume 7, Issue 23, 2005, Pages 39-68]
Spatial Dependence
Economic Integration in Persian Gulf Countries;
A Spatial Econometrics Approach [Volume 7, Issue 25, 2005, Pages 109-126]
Spatial Dependence
The Concept of Space and its Measurement in Regional Studies [Volume 7, Issue 23, 2005, Pages 39-68]
Spatial Econometrics
The Concept of Space and its Measurement in Regional Studies [Volume 7, Issue 23, 2005, Pages 39-68]
Spatial Heterosedasticity
The Concept of Space and its Measurement in Regional Studies [Volume 7, Issue 23, 2005, Pages 39-68]
Spatial Lag and Spatial Heteroscedasticity
Economic Integration in Persian Gulf Countries;
A Spatial Econometrics Approach [Volume 7, Issue 25, 2005, Pages 109-126]
Stabilization of Output & Prices
The Selection of Appropriate Foreign Exchange Rate Regime for Iranian Economy with
Regards to Oil Shocks. [Volume 7, Issue 23, 2005, Pages 1-37]
Stock Exchange Value
Determinants of Private Sector’s Saving In Iran [Volume 7, Issue 23, 2005, Pages 119-145]
Stock Price
Chaotic Process in The Tehran Stock Price Index [Volume 7, Issue 25, 2005, Pages 47-64]
Key Words: Labour Productivity, Potential Product, Capital Stock, Khuzestan
The Two-sector Financial Market and its Effects on Investment in Iran Economy [Volume 7, Issue 24, 2005, Pages 53-76]
Sugar Factories
Evaluation of Efficiency of Sugar Industry in Iran; Data Envelopment Analysis [Volume 7, Issue 22, 2005, Pages 69-90]
Targeted Income
The Economics of Social Security in Iran:
A Case Study of Insurance Income [Volume 7, Issue 25, 2005, Pages 65-82]
Chaotic Process in The Tehran Stock Price Index [Volume 7, Issue 25, 2005, Pages 47-64]
Three Stage Least Square
Effects of Government Expenditure on
Poverty Reduction in Rural Areas of Iran [Volume 7, Issue 25, 2005, Pages 153-174]
The Analysis and Comprison of Productivity of Different Small and Large Scale Industrial Groups in Iran [Volume 7, Issue 22, 2005, Pages 157-176]
Total Factor Productivity Growth
Effects of Government Expenditure on
Poverty Reduction in Rural Areas of Iran [Volume 7, Issue 25, 2005, Pages 153-174]
Trade Liberalization
The Effects of Trade Liberalization on Import Demand: A Panel Data Study [Volume 7, Issue 25, 2005, Pages 127-152]
Trade Potentials
Trade Potentials in Iran throughout Measuring Intra Industry Trade (IIT) [Volume 7, Issue 24, 2005, Pages 145-169]
Two- Sector Financial Market
Key Words: Labour Productivity, Potential Product, Capital Stock, Khuzestan
The Two-sector Financial Market and its Effects on Investment in Iran Economy [Volume 7, Issue 24, 2005, Pages 53-76]
Unit Energy Cost
An Economic Evaluation of Photovoltaic Power Plant, Diesel Power Plant, and Connection to the Power Grid for Electricity Utilization in the Central Rural Regions in Iran [Volume 7, Issue 24, 2005, Pages 171-192]
Vector Autoregressive Model
An Analysis of the Investment Expenditures Contribution to Job Creation in Manufacturing Subsectors in Iran
(With Emphasis on Large Manufacturing Establishments) [Volume 7, Issue 24, 2005, Pages 1-31]
Vector error correction model
An Analysis of the Investment Expenditures Contribution to Job Creation in Manufacturing Subsectors in Iran
(With Emphasis on Large Manufacturing Establishments) [Volume 7, Issue 24, 2005, Pages 1-31]