Absolute and relative poverty
The Effect of Agriculture Investment on Rural Poverty Alleviation in Iran [Volume 11, Issue 35, 2008, Pages 205-228]
The Effect of Agriculture Investment on Rural Poverty Alleviation in Iran [Volume 11, Issue 35, 2008, Pages 205-228]
Blanchard- Quah method
The Effects of Productivity Shocks on Economic Growth in Iran [Volume 11, Issue 35, 2008, Pages 177-204]
Convergence hypothesis
Convergence in D8 Countries [Volume 11, Issue 35, 2008, Pages 51-78]
D-8 group
Convergence in D8 Countries [Volume 11, Issue 35, 2008, Pages 51-78]
The Effects of E-Banking on Commercial Banks Profitability: The Case of Iran [Volume 11, Issue 35, 2008, Pages 111-140]
Economic Growth
The Effects of Productivity Shocks on Economic Growth in Iran [Volume 11, Issue 35, 2008, Pages 177-204]
Economic Growth
The Effect of Agriculture Investment on Rural Poverty Alleviation in Iran [Volume 11, Issue 35, 2008, Pages 205-228]
Energy Intensity
Decomposition of Energy Intensity in the Iranian Manufacturing Industries [Volume 11, Issue 35, 2008, Pages 79-110]
The Effect of Real Exchange Rate
Uncertainty on Private Investment [Volume 11, Issue 35, 2008, Pages 159-176]
Herfindal index
The Effect of Agriculture Investment on Rural Poverty Alleviation in Iran [Volume 11, Issue 35, 2008, Pages 205-228]
Human Capital
The Effects of Human Capital and R&D in TFP Growth: The Case of Iran [Volume 11, Issue 35, 2008, Pages 1-30]
Impulse response function
Sources of Real Exchange Rate
Fluctuations in Iran [Volume 11, Issue 35, 2008, Pages 31-50]
Income Distribution
The Effect of Agriculture Investment on Rural Poverty Alleviation in Iran [Volume 11, Issue 35, 2008, Pages 205-228]
Information and Communication Technology
The Effects of E-Banking on Commercial Banks Profitability: The Case of Iran [Volume 11, Issue 35, 2008, Pages 111-140]
Decomposition of Energy Intensity in the Iranian Manufacturing Industries [Volume 11, Issue 35, 2008, Pages 79-110]
The Effect of Real Exchange Rate
Uncertainty on Private Investment [Volume 11, Issue 35, 2008, Pages 159-176]
Manufacturing Industries
Decomposition of Energy Intensity in the Iranian Manufacturing Industries [Volume 11, Issue 35, 2008, Pages 79-110]
Panel Data
The Effects of E-Banking on Commercial Banks Profitability: The Case of Iran [Volume 11, Issue 35, 2008, Pages 111-140]
Producer price index
Price Change Transmission Mechanism from Producer Price Index to Consumer Price Index in Iran [Volume 11, Issue 35, 2008, Pages 141-158]
Real Exchange Rate
The Effect of Real Exchange Rate
Uncertainty on Private Investment [Volume 11, Issue 35, 2008, Pages 159-176]
Real exchange rate fluctuations
Sources of Real Exchange Rate
Fluctuations in Iran [Volume 11, Issue 35, 2008, Pages 31-50]
Solow-Swan neoclassical model
Convergence in D8 Countries [Volume 11, Issue 35, 2008, Pages 51-78]
Supply side shocks (productivity shocks)
The Effects of Productivity Shocks on Economic Growth in Iran [Volume 11, Issue 35, 2008, Pages 177-204]
SVAR model
Sources of Real Exchange Rate
Fluctuations in Iran [Volume 11, Issue 35, 2008, Pages 31-50]
Total Factor Productivity
The Effects of Human Capital and R&D in TFP Growth: The Case of Iran [Volume 11, Issue 35, 2008, Pages 1-30]
The Effect of Real Exchange Rate
Uncertainty on Private Investment [Volume 11, Issue 35, 2008, Pages 159-176]
Variance decomposition
Sources of Real Exchange Rate
Fluctuations in Iran [Volume 11, Issue 35, 2008, Pages 31-50]