Accountability and Independence Arrangement
The Role of Legal (public) and Regulatory Institutions in Financial Development- Emphasizing Banking Sector [Volume 16, Issue 48, 2011, Pages 55-85]
The Principles and policies for Consumption of “Anfal” and Natural Resources in Islamic Government [Volume 16, Issue 48, 2011, Pages 193-221]
Misconceptions in Application of Time series Models:
The Abuse of ARDL Model [Volume 16, Issue 47, 2011, Pages 163-183]
Auto-Regressive Distributed Lag
Estimation of Rural-Urban Migration in Iran
(An Auto-Regressive Distributed Lag Approach) [Volume 16, Issue 46, 2011, Pages 97-113]
Auto Regressive with Distributed Lags (ARDL) model
Testing Currency Substitution in Iran
an Application of Auto Regressive with Distributed Lags (ARDL) Model [Volume 16, Issue 49, 2011, Pages 99-115]
Evaluation of VaR Estimates based on ARCH type Models [Volume 16, Issue 47, 2011, Pages 53-73]
The Determinants of Non-performing Loans in Iranian Banking Industry [Volume 16, Issue 49, 2011, Pages 117-150]
Banking Sector Development
The Role of Legal (public) and Regulatory Institutions in Financial Development- Emphasizing Banking Sector [Volume 16, Issue 48, 2011, Pages 55-85]
Bewley transformation
An Alternative VAR Model for Forecasting Iranian Inflation: An Application of Bewley Transformation [Volume 16, Issue 46, 2011, Pages 77-96]
Black– Scholes Model
Modeling American Option Switching Model Regime and Oil Derivatives [Volume 16, Issue 47, 2011, Pages 185-204]
BRIC countries
The Non-linear Effects of Economic Growth on the Energy Consumption Growth in OPEC & BRIC Countries Using TAR Method [Volume 16, Issue 49, 2011, Pages 177-204]
Brownian Motion
Modeling American Option Switching Model Regime and Oil Derivatives [Volume 16, Issue 47, 2011, Pages 185-204]
BVAR models
An Alternative VAR Model for Forecasting Iranian Inflation: An Application of Bewley Transformation [Volume 16, Issue 46, 2011, Pages 77-96]
The Short Run and Long Run Causality between Financial Development and Economic Growth in the Middle East [Volume 16, Issue 46, 2011, Pages 61-76]
Misconceptions in Application of Time series Models:
The Abuse of ARDL Model [Volume 16, Issue 47, 2011, Pages 163-183]
Misconceptions in Application of Time series Models:
The Abuse of ARDL Model [Volume 16, Issue 47, 2011, Pages 163-183]
Commodity and Money market
Analysis of credit rationing in commodity, money and bond Markets; by the use of walras’s law [Volume 16, Issue 48, 2011, Pages 1-24]
Credit Rationing
Analysis of credit rationing in commodity, money and bond Markets; by the use of walras’s law [Volume 16, Issue 48, 2011, Pages 1-24]
Currency demand
Testing Currency Substitution in Iran
an Application of Auto Regressive with Distributed Lags (ARDL) Model [Volume 16, Issue 49, 2011, Pages 99-115]
Data Envelopment Analysis
The Comparison of Research and Total productivity in Iranian Public Universities' [Volume 16, Issue 47, 2011, Pages 75-104]
Derivative and American options
Modeling American Option Switching Model Regime and Oil Derivatives [Volume 16, Issue 47, 2011, Pages 185-204]
The Study of Economic Prerequisites of Development in the Primary Education Text-books [Volume 16, Issue 49, 2011, Pages 35-69]
Disaggregated prices
Analyzing the Effect of Monetary Shocks on 12 Main Categories of Consumer Price Index (FAVAR Approach) [Volume 16, Issue 49, 2011, Pages 205-239]
Challenges of Inflation and Price Reform in Developing Economies (With Reference to the Iranian Economy) [Volume 16, Issue 46, 2011, Pages 115-143]
Misconceptions in Application of Time series Models:
The Abuse of ARDL Model [Volume 16, Issue 47, 2011, Pages 163-183]
Misconceptions in Application of Time series Models:
The Abuse of ARDL Model [Volume 16, Issue 47, 2011, Pages 163-183]
Dutch disease
Oil Price Shocks and Dutch Disease: The Case of Iran [Volume 16, Issue 48, 2011, Pages 25-54]
Dynamic panel model
The Determinants of Non-performing Loans in Iranian Banking Industry [Volume 16, Issue 49, 2011, Pages 117-150]
The Study of Economic Prerequisites of Development in the Primary Education Text-books [Volume 16, Issue 49, 2011, Pages 35-69]
Economic Growth
The Non-linear Effects of Economic Growth on the Energy Consumption Growth in OPEC & BRIC Countries Using TAR Method [Volume 16, Issue 49, 2011, Pages 177-204]
Effective Demand
Analysis of credit rationing in commodity, money and bond Markets; by the use of walras’s law [Volume 16, Issue 48, 2011, Pages 1-24]
Energy Consumption
The Non-linear Effects of Economic Growth on the Energy Consumption Growth in OPEC & BRIC Countries Using TAR Method [Volume 16, Issue 49, 2011, Pages 177-204]
Exchange Rate
The Investigation of Monetary Model to Exchange Rate Determination in MENA Countries: Panel Cointegration Approach [Volume 16, Issue 49, 2011, Pages 151-175]
Expected Supply of Crude Oil
OPEC's Role in the Diversified Future Energy Market [Volume 16, Issue 46, 2011, Pages 1-18]
Financial Development
The Short Run and Long Run Causality between Financial Development and Economic Growth in the Middle East [Volume 16, Issue 46, 2011, Pages 61-76]
Financial Institutions
The Role of Legal (public) and Regulatory Institutions in Financial Development- Emphasizing Banking Sector [Volume 16, Issue 48, 2011, Pages 55-85]
Financial Mathematics
Modeling American Option Switching Model Regime and Oil Derivatives [Volume 16, Issue 47, 2011, Pages 185-204]
Finite Difference
Modeling American Option Switching Model Regime and Oil Derivatives [Volume 16, Issue 47, 2011, Pages 185-204]
Misconceptions in Application of Time series Models:
The Abuse of ARDL Model [Volume 16, Issue 47, 2011, Pages 163-183]
An Alternative VAR Model for Forecasting Iranian Inflation: An Application of Bewley Transformation [Volume 16, Issue 46, 2011, Pages 77-96]
GARCH estimation
Evaluation of VaR Estimates based on ARCH type Models [Volume 16, Issue 47, 2011, Pages 53-73]
Genetic Algorithms
Using Genetic Algorithms for a Portfolio Selection regarding to Nonlinear Goals (Tehran Stock Exchange) [Volume 16, Issue 48, 2011, Pages 109-134]
The Short Run and Long Run Causality between Financial Development and Economic Growth in the Middle East [Volume 16, Issue 46, 2011, Pages 61-76]
An Alternative VAR Model for Forecasting Iranian Inflation: An Application of Bewley Transformation [Volume 16, Issue 46, 2011, Pages 77-96]
Challenges of Inflation and Price Reform in Developing Economies (With Reference to the Iranian Economy) [Volume 16, Issue 46, 2011, Pages 115-143]
Initial and Boundary Value Problems
Modeling American Option Switching Model Regime and Oil Derivatives [Volume 16, Issue 47, 2011, Pages 185-204]
Endogenous Growth: A Sequential Stochastic Search Model for New Technology [Volume 16, Issue 46, 2011, Pages 145-181]
Price Effects of Value Added Tax Based on Input – Output Approach (The Case of Iran) [Volume 16, Issue 47, 2011, Pages 105-127]
Internal R&D
The effect of internal R&D expenditures and technology imports on value added in Iran’s large and medium industries [Volume 16, Issue 48, 2011, Pages 165-192]
Investment Fund
Survey of Comparison between Islamic Capital Venture markets with Non Islamic Capital Venture markets [Volume 16, Issue 48, 2011, Pages 135-163]
The Determinants of Non-performing Loans in Iranian Banking Industry [Volume 16, Issue 49, 2011, Pages 117-150]
An Alternative VAR Model for Forecasting Iranian Inflation: An Application of Bewley Transformation [Volume 16, Issue 46, 2011, Pages 77-96]
Estimation of Rural-Urban Migration in Iran
(An Auto-Regressive Distributed Lag Approach) [Volume 16, Issue 46, 2011, Pages 97-113]
Iranian Economy
Challenges of Inflation and Price Reform in Developing Economies (With Reference to the Iranian Economy) [Volume 16, Issue 46, 2011, Pages 115-143]
Iranian manufacturing industries
Smooth Adjustment Hypothesis: A Case Study for Iranian Manufacturing Industries [Volume 16, Issue 48, 2011, Pages 87-108]
Iran’s Large and Medium Industries
The effect of internal R&D expenditures and technology imports on value added in Iran’s large and medium industries [Volume 16, Issue 48, 2011, Pages 165-192]
Islamic Economics
The Analysis of Islamisation of Economics; An Interdisciplinary Solution [Volume 16, Issue 49, 2011, Pages 71-97]
Islamic government
The Principles and policies for Consumption of “Anfal” and Natural Resources in Islamic Government [Volume 16, Issue 48, 2011, Pages 193-221]
Ito lemma
Modeling American Option Switching Model Regime and Oil Derivatives [Volume 16, Issue 47, 2011, Pages 185-204]
Estimating the Value of Drinking Water for the Households in Larestan by Using a Contingent Valuation Method [Volume 16, Issue 46, 2011, Pages 47-60]
Long memory
Volatility and Return Transmission among Cement Industry Stock Prices: an Application of Multivariate FIGARCH Modeling in High Frequency Financial time Series [Volume 16, Issue 47, 2011, Pages 129-162]
Lucas Critique
Rational Expectations, the Lucas Critique and the Optimal Control of Macroeconomic Models: A Historical Analysis of Basic Developments
in the 20th Century [Volume 16, Issue 46, 2011, Pages 19-46]
Malmquist productivity index
The Comparison of Research and Total productivity in Iranian Public Universities' [Volume 16, Issue 47, 2011, Pages 75-104]
Maslehat of Muslims
The Principles and policies for Consumption of “Anfal” and Natural Resources in Islamic Government [Volume 16, Issue 48, 2011, Pages 193-221]
Middle East
The Short Run and Long Run Causality between Financial Development and Economic Growth in the Middle East [Volume 16, Issue 46, 2011, Pages 61-76]
Estimation of Rural-Urban Migration in Iran
(An Auto-Regressive Distributed Lag Approach) [Volume 16, Issue 46, 2011, Pages 97-113]
Monetary approach
The Investigation of Monetary Model to Exchange Rate Determination in MENA Countries: Panel Cointegration Approach [Volume 16, Issue 49, 2011, Pages 151-175]
Monetary Policy
Analyzing the Effect of Monetary Shocks on 12 Main Categories of Consumer Price Index (FAVAR Approach) [Volume 16, Issue 49, 2011, Pages 205-239]
Multivariate FIGARCH
Volatility and Return Transmission among Cement Industry Stock Prices: an Application of Multivariate FIGARCH Modeling in High Frequency Financial time Series [Volume 16, Issue 47, 2011, Pages 129-162]
Nonlinear Objective
Using Genetic Algorithms for a Portfolio Selection regarding to Nonlinear Goals (Tehran Stock Exchange) [Volume 16, Issue 48, 2011, Pages 109-134]
Non-performing Loans
The Determinants of Non-performing Loans in Iranian Banking Industry [Volume 16, Issue 49, 2011, Pages 117-150]
Notional Demand
Analysis of credit rationing in commodity, money and bond Markets; by the use of walras’s law [Volume 16, Issue 48, 2011, Pages 1-24]
Analysis of the Behaviour of Futures Trading in NYMEX (1986-2010) with Regard to Varations in the Level and Volatility of Crude Oil Prices [Volume 16, Issue 47, 2011, Pages 31-52]
Oil derivatives
Modeling American Option Switching Model Regime and Oil Derivatives [Volume 16, Issue 47, 2011, Pages 185-204]
Oil Price Shocks
Oil Price Shocks and Dutch Disease: The Case of Iran [Volume 16, Issue 48, 2011, Pages 25-54]
The Non-linear Effects of Economic Growth on the Energy Consumption Growth in OPEC & BRIC Countries Using TAR Method [Volume 16, Issue 49, 2011, Pages 177-204]
OPEC's Role in the Diversified Future Energy Market [Volume 16, Issue 46, 2011, Pages 1-18]
Open Interest Volumes
Analysis of the Behaviour of Futures Trading in NYMEX (1986-2010) with Regard to Varations in the Level and Volatility of Crude Oil Prices [Volume 16, Issue 47, 2011, Pages 31-52]
Optimal Control
Rational Expectations, the Lucas Critique and the Optimal Control of Macroeconomic Models: A Historical Analysis of Basic Developments
in the 20th Century [Volume 16, Issue 46, 2011, Pages 19-46]
Panel cointegration
The Short Run and Long Run Causality between Financial Development and Economic Growth in the Middle East [Volume 16, Issue 46, 2011, Pages 61-76]
Panel Cointegration, MENA
The Investigation of Monetary Model to Exchange Rate Determination in MENA Countries: Panel Cointegration Approach [Volume 16, Issue 49, 2011, Pages 151-175]
Panel Data
The effect of internal R&D expenditures and technology imports on value added in Iran’s large and medium industries [Volume 16, Issue 48, 2011, Pages 165-192]
Parametric method
Evaluation of VaR Estimates based on ARCH type Models [Volume 16, Issue 47, 2011, Pages 53-73]
Policy Ineffectiveness
Rational Expectations, the Lucas Critique and the Optimal Control of Macroeconomic Models: A Historical Analysis of Basic Developments
in the 20th Century [Volume 16, Issue 46, 2011, Pages 19-46]
Portfolio selection
Using Genetic Algorithms for a Portfolio Selection regarding to Nonlinear Goals (Tehran Stock Exchange) [Volume 16, Issue 48, 2011, Pages 109-134]
Price Volatilities
Analysis of the Behaviour of Futures Trading in NYMEX (1986-2010) with Regard to Varations in the Level and Volatility of Crude Oil Prices [Volume 16, Issue 47, 2011, Pages 31-52]
Public Governance
The Role of Legal (public) and Regulatory Institutions in Financial Development- Emphasizing Banking Sector [Volume 16, Issue 48, 2011, Pages 55-85]
Qum provinces
Measuring Shariah Poverty Line and Analyzing the Impact of Dignity on its Value (Case Study Qum Province) [Volume 16, Issue 49, 2011, Pages 1-33]
Rational Expectations
Rational Expectations, the Lucas Critique and the Optimal Control of Macroeconomic Models: A Historical Analysis of Basic Developments
in the 20th Century [Volume 16, Issue 46, 2011, Pages 19-46]
Real Exchange Rate
Oil Price Shocks and Dutch Disease: The Case of Iran [Volume 16, Issue 48, 2011, Pages 25-54]
Regulatory Governance
The Role of Legal (public) and Regulatory Institutions in Financial Development- Emphasizing Banking Sector [Volume 16, Issue 48, 2011, Pages 55-85]
Renewable Sources
OPEC's Role in the Diversified Future Energy Market [Volume 16, Issue 46, 2011, Pages 1-18]
Using Genetic Algorithms for a Portfolio Selection regarding to Nonlinear Goals (Tehran Stock Exchange) [Volume 16, Issue 48, 2011, Pages 109-134]
Volatility and Return Transmission among Cement Industry Stock Prices: an Application of Multivariate FIGARCH Modeling in High Frequency Financial time Series [Volume 16, Issue 47, 2011, Pages 129-162]
Using Genetic Algorithms for a Portfolio Selection regarding to Nonlinear Goals (Tehran Stock Exchange) [Volume 16, Issue 48, 2011, Pages 109-134]
Risk and Portfolio
Modeling American Option Switching Model Regime and Oil Derivatives [Volume 16, Issue 47, 2011, Pages 185-204]
Search Theory
Endogenous Growth: A Sequential Stochastic Search Model for New Technology [Volume 16, Issue 46, 2011, Pages 145-181]
Shariah poverty line
Measuring Shariah Poverty Line and Analyzing the Impact of Dignity on its Value (Case Study Qum Province) [Volume 16, Issue 49, 2011, Pages 1-33]
Smooth adjustment hypothesis
Smooth Adjustment Hypothesis: A Case Study for Iranian Manufacturing Industries [Volume 16, Issue 48, 2011, Pages 87-108]
SPL methods
Measuring Shariah Poverty Line and Analyzing the Impact of Dignity on its Value (Case Study Qum Province) [Volume 16, Issue 49, 2011, Pages 1-33]
Stabilization Policy
Challenges of Inflation and Price Reform in Developing Economies (With Reference to the Iranian Economy) [Volume 16, Issue 46, 2011, Pages 115-143]
Subsidy and Tax Reforms
Challenges of Inflation and Price Reform in Developing Economies (With Reference to the Iranian Economy) [Volume 16, Issue 46, 2011, Pages 115-143]
Oil Price Shocks and Dutch Disease: The Case of Iran [Volume 16, Issue 48, 2011, Pages 25-54]
Endogenous Growth: A Sequential Stochastic Search Model for New Technology [Volume 16, Issue 46, 2011, Pages 145-181]
Technology Imports
The effect of internal R&D expenditures and technology imports on value added in Iran’s large and medium industries [Volume 16, Issue 48, 2011, Pages 165-192]
The Study of Economic Prerequisites of Development in the Primary Education Text-books [Volume 16, Issue 49, 2011, Pages 35-69]
The Basel Core Principles
The Role of Legal (public) and Regulatory Institutions in Financial Development- Emphasizing Banking Sector [Volume 16, Issue 48, 2011, Pages 55-85]
The Analysis of Islamisation of Economics; An Interdisciplinary Solution [Volume 16, Issue 49, 2011, Pages 71-97]
Tradables and nontradables
Oil Price Shocks and Dutch Disease: The Case of Iran [Volume 16, Issue 48, 2011, Pages 25-54]
Unconventional Sources
OPEC's Role in the Diversified Future Energy Market [Volume 16, Issue 46, 2011, Pages 1-18]
The Comparison of Research and Total productivity in Iranian Public Universities' [Volume 16, Issue 47, 2011, Pages 75-104]
Estimation of Rural-Urban Migration in Iran
(An Auto-Regressive Distributed Lag Approach) [Volume 16, Issue 46, 2011, Pages 97-113]
Value Added Tax
Price Effects of Value Added Tax Based on Input – Output Approach (The Case of Iran) [Volume 16, Issue 47, 2011, Pages 105-127]
Value at Risk
Evaluation of VaR Estimates based on ARCH type Models [Volume 16, Issue 47, 2011, Pages 53-73]
VAR models
An Alternative VAR Model for Forecasting Iranian Inflation: An Application of Bewley Transformation [Volume 16, Issue 46, 2011, Pages 77-96]
Misconceptions in Application of Time series Models:
The Abuse of ARDL Model [Volume 16, Issue 47, 2011, Pages 163-183]
Volatility and Return Transmission among Cement Industry Stock Prices: an Application of Multivariate FIGARCH Modeling in High Frequency Financial time Series [Volume 16, Issue 47, 2011, Pages 129-162]
Walras’s Law
Analysis of credit rationing in commodity, money and bond Markets; by the use of walras’s law [Volume 16, Issue 48, 2011, Pages 1-24]
Willingness to Pay (WTP)
Estimating the Value of Drinking Water for the Households in Larestan by Using a Contingent Valuation Method [Volume 16, Issue 46, 2011, Pages 47-60]
WTI Crude Oil Prices
Analysis of the Behaviour of Futures Trading in NYMEX (1986-2010) with Regard to Varations in the Level and Volatility of Crude Oil Prices [Volume 16, Issue 47, 2011, Pages 31-52]