
1 Associate Professor , Economics, Faculty of Allame Tabataba’i University, Tehran, Iran

2 M.A. in Economics, Allame Tabataba’i University, Tehran, Iran.


In recent years, by using extreme value theory (EVT), researchers have estimated the market risk for rare events (crises) more accurately. This paper examines the different methods of measuring market risk at different levels of reliability. According to the assumptions of the EVT methods, measuring the effects of the financial crises on the value of assets requires a lot of time-series observations. Therefore, this paper has used four indices: total index, industry index, the first market index and the second market index of the Tehran stock exchange. The backtesting results showed that among the various methods, semi-parametric approach or the EVT approach in comparison with parametric (EWMA, MA, GARCH) and nonparametric approaches (Historical simulation) is more efficient and has a higher level of reliability. Also HS method shows acceptable results at high confidence level, while in calculating the value at risk in the 0.90 and 0.95  confidence levels, parametric methods (EWMA, MA, GARCH) provide more reliable results. Also the richness of the  dynamics of GARCH and EWMA models are much more than the other models. In the next step by incorporating various models, the three models EWMA-EVT, GARCH-EVT and AWHS were made. Backtesting these three patterns showed that, AWHS and EWMA-EVT have provided the best results among various patterns, and have provided acceptable adequacy in estimating the value at risk at all levels of reliability. However; GARCH-EVT model shows acceptable results only in 0.999 reliability level. 


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