Document Type : Research Paper


Assistant Professor, Graduate School in Management and Economics, Sharif University of Technology


Creating job opportunities for job seekers, who experience a growth of  more than half a million per year, has become a crucial problem for Iranian policy makers. Estimations depict that on average the growth rate of labor will amount to 3.3 percent during 1381-1385. Also, continuation of current economic situations will result in a 21 percent unemployment rate.
    The purpose of this paper is to identify those economic sectors whose potentials in job creation are higher than others. Our analytical framework is Input-Output technique which consists of backward linkage and employment creation elasticity. Furthermore, the cost of creating a full-time job in terms of final demand is calculated. According to backward linkage, findings indicate that Social and Religious Services, Agriculture, Business, Education Services sectors are ranked top and of the lowest cost job creation, respectively. The highest cost of creating a full-time job belongs to the R&D sector with the amount of 184.8 million Rials, and the lowest to the Social Services with the amount of  9.14 million Rials.
