Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor of Economics, University of Isfahan

2 PhD student at the University of Isfahan


This paper, proposes the concept of globalization in different ways. One of the proposed expressions is that: "globalization consists of integration of national economies through trade and expansion of liberal markets models". The paper also investigates the effects of globalization on different sectors of exports and imports. To achieve this purpose, we globalization exports supply and imports demand functions by separating consumption, intermediate, and capital goods, and employing two measures: the Level of International Trade (LIT) and the International Trade Integration (LIT). In intermediate goods, construction sector has greater coefficient and mine and industry sector have lowest export sensitiveness on globalization of Iran's economy. The coefficient of globalization index for capital goods is almost equal to one and for consumption goods the lowest. In import functions, the greatest coefficient of intermediate and capital goods is related to the mine and industry sectors. On the other hand, agricultural sector has the lowest globalization index, and capital goods have a great sensitiveness. Results indicate that, in capital and intermediate goods, both agricultural and construction sectors have sufficient potential to enter the world market. The gain can be made from the globalization by targeting and market oriented protection of the products in these sectors. However, consumption goods obtain the greatest loss from the globalization.
