Document Type : Research Paper


1 Department of Developemnt and planning , Faculty of Economics , Allameh Tabatabaei University

2 economic development and planning group, economic facualy, Allameh Tabatabei university

3 Ph.D. Student in Planning and Economic Development, Allameh Tabataba'i University, Tehran, Iran


Before 1990th, in political economy theories, the security of property rights was to be presumed. The importance of property rights as the underlying factor of economic growth and economic development was first noticed by new institutional economists and then expanded. This paper studied the Marxist and methodological individualism political economy approaches that have been used by researchers to describe the main reasons for the underdevelopment of Iran with a focus on property rights.

The weakness of them all is inadvertence to Iranian historical features and failure to present an independent theory regarding the inefficiency of property rights in the history of Iran. Therefore, using the new institutional approach, which is based on historical studies and society institutions and using them in the analysis of the role of property rights on underdevelopment and not just studying the series of historical developments and geographical features, could be a facilitator. In this way, this paper suggests focusing on these features of Iran:

1) Specific climatic conditions of Iran with the lack of water, which is the main reason for tension;

2) The effect of climate conditions on political and economical systems (the government theory) and forming nomadism and tribal life and tribal governments;

3) The effect of forming those political and economical system on property rights underdevelopment (the property rights theory).


Main Subjects