
1 Associate professor of economics, Beheshty university

2 Associate professor of economics, Allameh Tabatabaie university

3 Associate professor of economics, Tehran university

4 Assistant professor of economic Mufid university


The analysis of the Shariah poverty line and its measurement is considered as ane of the basic issues relevant to Muslem societies. Also the impact dignity (“Shaan” in Islamic terminology) is another concern in this regard. This paper intends to analyze the Shariah poverty line (Kefayah in Islamic literature), and the impact of dignity (Shaan) on it. Case study region for the this paper is the Qum province. According to the findings of this paper and other things being equal; Shariah poverty line is measurable and by using SPL methods we have measured it for the Qum province. In addition to using analytical methods this paper, methodologically speaking has used questionnaire inquiry and econometric methods.
